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Community Science

Community Science programs with Lynnhaven River NOW

What is Community Science?

Community science (often referred to as citizen science) is a broad reference to the act of scientists and community volunteers coming together to research science-based community issues through observation and data collection, and to provide access to scientific information to community members. The goal of any scientific study is to draw conclusions about real world questions. Whether you’re pursuing a career in a science field or simply enjoy being engaged in learning opportunities, your contribution to a community science program is greatly valued. We are using the term “community science” instead of “citizen science” to provide a more inclusive umbrella to the members of our community scientists. For more information on this terminology change, please see the National Audubon Society’s statement on Community Science.

Community Science engages volunteers of all ages in hands-on, scientific learning and exploration on issues that directly impact your neighborhood, your city and its surrounding environment. Participation provides community volunteers the unique experience of collecting valuable data and contributing to real scientific research.

  • observing wildlife and environmental conditions
  • collecting samples and data
  • applying scientific methodology to testable situations
  • sharing information with your locality, the state and sometimes even across the globe

Lynnhaven River Now (LRNow) has several active community science programs including

In addition, there many other worthwhile Community Science programs hosted by other science-based organizations.

If you love to discover, investigate and learn, the Community Science programs below offer you an opportunity to engage in your community in a new and exciting way.


Observation-based Community Science Programs
Participate one time or every time you visit Pleasure House Point Natural Area.


Diamondback Terrapin Tracking
– This program is being revised and will be available soon.

Help Lynnhaven River Now by letting us know when you observe evidence of Diamondback Terrapins at Pleasure House Point during your visit. Participate one time or every time you visit Pleasure House Point.

Whether you see an adult female laying eggs, babies hatching or moving towards the water, a nest that has been disturbed, hatched eggs, or a terrapin swimming in the water, we want to know about the activity. Pleasure House Point is one of the few places on the Lynnhaven River where the terrapins can still nest, making the conservation and continued care of this natural area a high priority. Due to a loss of suitable nesting habitat and other stressors, the Diamondback Terrapin, Malaclemys terrapin, is a “species of concern” in Virginia.

“Terrapin” is the designation given to turtles that live in the water less frequently and live near brackish, or a mixture of salt and freshwater such as a marsh, and swampy areas. They will spend about half of their time on land and half in the water. National Marine Life Center,

Coming soon, an interactive map where Community Scientists can leave the location, date, time and details of a Diamondback Terrapin sightings. If you’re out walking at Pleasure House Point and see a Diamondback Terrapin, a predated nest or eggs, add your sighting to the map.



LRNow Community Science Programs

Osprey Nest Community Scientist Project

Do you have an osprey nest in your backyard or neighborhood? LRNow is embarking on a community science project to map osprey nests across Virginia Beach and we need your help! Your nest discovery will be added to a map where observational data on osprey nests will be collected. Over the years the map will give us information on the health of the osprey population here which in turn reflects the health of the fish population and the health of Virginia Beach waterways! We are asking you initially to send GPS data of the nest location and a photo and then to check and report nest activity over the next couple of months. If you are interested in participating, please click here to contact us.

Osprey map coming soon.


Oyster Spat Collectors

Help Lynnhaven River NOW “catch” baby oysters to supplement oyster knowledge and population in Virginia Beach’s tidal waters. Comparing various substrates against oyster shell, participants provide valuable information on oyster spat’s settlement, distribution, density and substrate preferences. This program is fun and easy – a perfect family activity for participants with year-round access to a pier in the tidal waters of Lynnhaven River, Owls Creek or Little Creek in Virginia Beach. After the data is gathered, the spat caught through this program is relocated to conservation reefs in Virginia Beach waterways to continue to help protect and clean our local tidal waters.

See our page about the Spat program here and view the 2024 Spat Settlement Distribution Map program by clicking here.

 E-mail Emily if you are interested in becoming an Oyster Spat Catcher. You must live on tidal waters in Virginia Beach to participate in this program.


Waterway Cleanups

Once a month volunteers can participate in a Lynnhaven River NOW Waterway Cleanup. During the cleanups, each bag of trash is weighed, and the total amount is recorded on a map. This helps us determine if cleanup sites are improving or becoming more littered over time. The data also helps us determine the frequency of attention to established cleanup sites and determine future sites across the city of Virginia Beach.

If you are interested in volunteering as an individual or as a group for a waterway cleanup, visit our Waterway Cleanup page to find information on upcoming cleanups. Cleanups are usually family-friendly, and they may be water and/or land-based. 

The LRNow Stewardship & Access Committee plans and supports our cleanups.

Register in advance for cleanups HERE to receive specific communications about each event. Email Vince for additional information or call (757)962-5398.


Water Quality Monitoring Program

Community volunteers help Lynnhaven River Now keep an eye on Virginia Beach waterways by becoming Water Quality Monitors. In partnership with HRSD, Lynnhaven River NOW works with volunteers to collecting water samples at 20 different waterway sites across Virginia Beach. Water samples are delivered to HRSD for processing, and the results are returned to LRNow and the volunteers. This data is published to provide local community groups, schools, the City of Virginia Beach and state agencies.

Water Quality Monitoring Data:

Citizen Science Water Quality Data (2018 to 01-31-2024)

Water Quality Monitoring Sites:

  1. Little Neck Creek at Beach Garden Park
  2. Broad Creek at 64th Street, the Narrows
  3. Great Neck Creek at Old Virginia Beach Road
  4. London Bridge Creek at Hutton Circle Kayak Launch
  5. West Neck Creek at 1045 Lynnhaven Parkway
  6. Great Neck Lake at Poplar Point Circle
  7. Great Neck Lake at the weir
  8. Thalia Creek at Virginia Beach Boulevard, the Thalia Creek Kayak Launch
  9. Crab Creek at Pleasure House Point
  10. Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River at Woodstock Point
  11. Wolfsnare Creek at Windship Cove
  12. Lake Joyce
  13. Pleasure House Creek at Shore Drive
  14. Bay Island in Long Creek
  15. Canal at Green Run City Park on Lynnhaven Parkway
  16. Canal at Green Run Baptist Church
  17. Canal at Green Run Clubhouse
  18. Canal at East Lynnhaven Bay

Email Terri for more information on our water quality monitoring program in Virginia Beach. 


Additional Community Science Programs

If you are still looking for the right Community Science opportunity for you, we have listed a few below. Click the title links to learn more. There are many more to be found by simply searching online for “Community Science” or “Citizen Science” projects.


Ghosts of the Coast

GENLAB@GWU is engaging citizen scientists to help document the formation of ghost forests at a larger scale. The goal of this initiative is to raise awareness about the pace of change in coastal landscapes, while also collecting data that can inform ghost forest research.

Help us document ghost forest formation and record your observations. View your observation on a collaborative ghost forest map and learn more about ghost forest research.


Virginia Balloon Study

As of July 1st, 2021 the intentional release of balloons is illegal in Virginia and carries a fine of $25 per balloon. Learn more. When balloons are released, accidentally or with purpose, they eventually come down often getting caught in trees where they entangle birds or drift to the ocean where they are mistakenly ingested as food by marine animals. 

Help scientists better understand the sources and impacts of balloon litter, by reporting a single balloon or multiple balloons found in a single cleanup by registering the balloon(s) at the site above. This site also allows balloon litter photos. This study is supported by Clean Virginia Waterways of Longwood University and the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center.


Catch the King

Join the effort to Catch the King with this locally developed, environmental survey. Community scientists collect GPS flood data throughout coastal Virginia. All you need is a smart phone, the app and the willingness to tromp along the shoreline during high water events.

This volunteer-driven survey aims to map the king tide’s maximum inundation extents with the goal of improving predictive models for forecasting pervasive “nuisance” flooding. Other major storm and flooding events are also mapped. The project’s current focus is centered on mapping inundation extents in coastal Virginia, though volunteers from outside of the current focus area are welcome. Visit the Catch the King link above for registration and app information.


Nature’s Notebook

Learn more about phenology and animals through nature’s notebook! As our planet continues to change, it is important to connect people with nature. Nature’s Notebook provides that connection with nature as you record both plant and animal observations. As an observer, you’ll notice things you never saw before. The slightest blush on a maple leaf that foreshadows the coming fall. The new, more vibrant feathers warblers put on days before mating. You can develop a more nuanced appreciation of our natural world when you participate in Nature’s Notebook.



Become a certified NestWatch Monitor, confirm your nest(s) and add your data on the success and failure rates of nesting birds to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Observing the reproductive biology of birds including the number of eggs laid, hatched, and how many hatchlings survive provides scientists with information that helps to identify illness, predation, climate impacts, and other stressors that can impact our feathered friends. Nest visitation is required every 3-4 days. You must be certified to participate in this project. Approaching nesting bird can be disruptive to these avian parents and hatchlings so following standard, controlled protocols is a must. Find out how to start this spring by visiting the NestWatch website.


Project Feeder Watch

Don’t have the time or desire to search for a bird nest in the wild but enjoy observing them from the comfort of your home? Then look no further, Project Feeder Watch may be the perfect project for you. This winter-long project begins in November and ends in April. Through this program, The Lab at Cornell is gathering data to quantify the abundance of the winter birds and their movements. All that is required of observers is a bird bath, bird feeder, or plants that are known to attract birds. Observations can be taken at any location at the observer’s pace. Visit the Project Feeder Watch website to find out how to get started.


Project Squirrel

From the Midwest to the East Coast, Canada to California, whether squirrels live in your neighborhood or not, you can become a squirrel monitor! Submit your squirrel observations from your school home or office. This project is great for all ages. Squirrels are active 365 days out of the year so monitoring them can help us better understand the ecology of our neighborhoods through a squirrel’s eyes.


Bumble Bee Watch

This project relies on individuals for the data needed to track and conserve North America’s bumble bees. Upload photos of bumble bees to start a virtual bumble bee collection. Identify the bumble bees photographed and have the identifications verified by experts. Help researchers determine the status and conservation needs of bumble bees. Locate rare or endangered populations of bumble bees. It’s easy to get started.


Are you hoping to create your own Community Science project? The links below may help you on your way.


Watch this video to discover more about our Citizen Science and Advocacy Program!

Provided by The Meridian Group



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