I. Support for Community Flood Resiliency
1. Support the Community Flood Preparedness Fund.
The Community Flood Preparedness Fund has been the only consistent state funding source for flood resiliency planning and project implementation. The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative has provided most of the funding for the Community Flood Preparedness Fund.
2. Increase funding and staffing for the Virginia Conservation Assistance Program (VCAP).
The Virginia Conservation Assistance Program provides essential funding to private property owners to install flood resilience projects and expand conservation landscapes.
3. Restore funding for the Stormwater Local Assistance Fund (SLAF).
The Stormwater Local Assistance Fund is a one-to-one matching program that provides needed funding for the city to pursue stormwater projects that reduce pollutants and increase flood resilience.
II. Reducing Waste and Single-Use Plastics
4. Reinstate the timeline for the elimination of polystyrene food containers.
The original timeline passed by the General Assembly called for the elimination of polystyrene food containers at chain restaurants by 2024 and by locally owned restaurants by 2027. This timelineshould be restored for chain restaurants 2026 and locally owned restaurants by 2027.
5. Support a bottle bill for Virginia.
Single-use plastic and glass bottles are recycled at an extremely low rate. A deposit and refund system will greatly reduce the littering of single-use bottles.
6. Ban single-use plastic bags in Virginia.
Single-use plastic bags cause great harm to wildlife, our natural areas, and our stormwater system .A state-wide ban in grocery stores, convenience stores, and drug stores is the most effective way to eliminate them.
7. Institute a producer responsibility program for Virginia.
A producer responsibility program requires plastic producers to share in the cost of recycling, shifting some of the burden off taxpayers.
8. Support the establishment of composting program for food waste.
Food waste makes up 24% of our household and institutional waste and can be diverted from our overburdened landfills with the establishment of composting facilities throughout the state.
9. Virginia Litter Tax.
Raise the Virginia Litter Tax and make the funds available to address litter in our communities.
III. Protecting and Restoring Vital Habitats
10. Protect Wetlands.
Safeguard Virginia wetlands by maintaining Virginia’s ability to enact and implement wetlands protections that are more comprehensive than those under federal law.
11. Expand local authority for tree preservation and replacement.
Allow locality to require greater tree preservation in land development projects and require mitigation for tree loss.
12. Fund salt-water mussel research and a state hatchery at VIMS.
Salt-water mussels help clean the water and create shoreline habitat that aids in erosion reduction and flood mitigation. We need a source of seed mussels for restoration projects in Virginia.
13. Reduce Invasive Plants.
Require labeling of all invasive plant species at commercial nurseries
IV. Recreation and Environmental Education
14. Expand Environmental Education Opportunities.
Provide state-wide grant funding opportunities for environmental education for all Virginia students.
15. Support our State Parks.
Expand funding to our State Parks to address the backlog of maintenance issues and the need for increased staffing to meet visitor demand.
16. Increase Pedestrian Safety and Access to Trails.
Support efforts to increase pedestrian and bicycle safety and expand access to walking and biking trails.
V. Wind Energy
17. Support Wind Energy Development.
Support the Virginia Clean Economy Act and the potential for offshore wind energy development.
Adopted by the LRNow Board of Directors, November 11, 2024