Just a few simple acts of caring over a few days can make a bigger difference than your realize. If everyone in our community picks up 20 pieces of trash (or more) a day, how much cleaner could our city and our waterways be?
Be a 20 for 20 Champion. Report your 20 (or more) pieces of trash here for 20 days and let’s see how much of an impact we can make. Simply pick up at least 20 pieces of trash and put them in a trash receptacle. No piece is too small. Do this for 20 days – they do not have to consecutive. Cleanups must be complete by November 30, 2022 to be a 20 for 20 Champion.
Report your pick up HERE daily or keep track on this DATA SHEET, then scan and email, or mail it in. Must be completed and submitted by November 30th, 2022. Email should be sent to helen@LRNow.org. Mail should be sent to 20 for 20 Cleanups, Lynnhaven River Now, 3612 Holland Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23452.
Thank you for being part of our pollution solution!
Safety tips: Only adults should pick up broken glass, needles or other dangerous items. Please wear gloves whenever you are picking up trash. Always wear shoes when picking up trash.
SUSTAINABLE YARDS PROGRAM: Let us help you “green” your Lynnhaven watershed home. This unique program provides specific stormwater management practices to your yard at a significantly reduced cost to you.